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Reach Out Rescue & Resources is a small group of rescuers with a large amount of passion for dogs and cats!!
Last Updated:
9/27/2024 1:17 PM

Animal Success Stories
We love getting updates from our adopters! This page is a collection of the photos and stories sent to us. As our website restricts us to only one photo and story for each dog, we have created a photo gallery here -

Happy Tails on Zenfolio 

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Chancie is doing great. Sweet puppy and loves loves loves Diego. Diego is another adopted RORR dog!

Curley Sue

... And her new Moms! A match made in heaven.

Cagney and Lacey

Cagney & Lacey in their forever home!! These 2 dogs are so incredibly bonded but also so wonderful with people!! Their new family hit the jackpot!! Have a wonderful life Cagney & Lacey!!


Good afternoon: We just wanted to send a thank you to everyone that helped organize the adoption of Charlie. He was listed through Kind Hands 4 Paws, but Reach Out Rescue reviewed the application and organized our home visit. We met with volunteer (I think her name was Marlene or Marlaina) and her husband for our home visit. Unfortunately, I do not have contact information for them, I misplaced their number. We really appreciate all your efforts and coordination to make these adoptions a success. Please pass along our thank yous to everyone involved. I attached two pictures. The first one is of our son, Lucas on our way home with Charlie. The second one is with Charlie and his best buddy Louie. We've had Charlie for about 3 weeks and he settled in nicely despite his blindness from PRA. Again, thank you so much for your time and is very much appreciated! The McGeorge Family Matt, Jen, Lily, and Lucas

Captain German

There is so much excitement, worry and fear involved with rescue animal adoption. And it is felt by both the prospective guardian and the canine . But involved with all this is a third party. The third party is comprised of all those who dedicate themselves to animal rescue.These often unseen people who make the rescues possible. It must be both heart breaking and a heart fulfilling calling to do such work. Not many are called and few can stay with it.I salute you one and all. At this time I want to give my loving thanks to all who have in anyway played a part in Captain's journey that led him to me. Most of you I'll never meet so I can't give you the hug you richly deserve I can only give you these words. Those I have met you get hugs well as the salutes. During a recent visit by my daughter I mentioned Cap still had to decide if I was right for him, and my daughter replied "Cap has won the lottery". I don't know about him but I now feel rich beyond measure and all it took was a set of four feet. Barbara and Captain

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