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Reach Out Rescue & Resources is a small group of rescuers with a large amount of passion for dogs and cats!!
Last Updated:
9/27/2024 1:17 PM

Animal Success Stories
We love getting updates from our adopters! This page is a collection of the photos and stories sent to us. As our website restricts us to only one photo and story for each dog, we have created a photo gallery here -

Happy Tails on Zenfolio 

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Wolfgang is now Sundance!


I just wanted to contact you to give you an update on Wheatley (Now known as Charlie). We would like to share this on your website if possible. I have included a couple of recent pictures of him.

We have now had Charlie for 8 months and he is doing wonderful. He is such an energetic, playful dog but he shows a lot of affection and loves to snuggle up next to our family when we are watching TV or when it’s time for bed. We found out that Charlie is a true hunter, he chases all of the wildlife outside, birds, rabbits and most of the time, the dreaded squirrel. He loves to play with his pull toys and he will play fetch with his ball until he gets tired out and can’t go anymore. Our daughters absolutely adore him, he has brought so much joy to their lives, they can’t remember what life was like before we got him. Our oldest daughter said that he has made our family complete. She is so right.

We are so happy to have him in our family and couldn’t think of life without him. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to give him a forever home and forever family.


Alan & Michelle

Update (1/3/15)-

Wheatley is officially adopted. His name is changed to Charlie. He started answering to Charlie before he left.

Here's a picture of "Charlie" and his very own girls.


Update (4/30/15)-

Willow and one of our horses, Quenya, have developed a special bond. Here I was grooming Q and Willow came over and parked herself right there for over an hour. When the horses are in the barn she will go in and they will just look at each other for a few minutes like there is something going back and forth. She goes out in the grass and just sits watching the horses. Thankfully, she stays out of the pasture as we have reinforced that fence line with her. Who knew she would have a 1,000 lb buddy?????

We are so thankful to all of you who made this possible.



Hi All,

I just want to let you know that I got the DNA test results for Willow and I am shocked. Everyone who has met her has said the same thing "no way". The results say she is Dalmatian -German Shepherd on one side and Standard Longhaired Dachshund-Mix (Possible: Borzoi Bloodhound Brittany) on the other. Really???? I'd have made some money for RORR had I taken "bets". Everyone said Lab in her bloodline somewhere…...

Her loyalty/dedication level could be Dal and her refined small boned shape. Her nose freckles could be Brittany. No Shepherd visible except maybe some hair coarseness. Maybe her little bit of length is Dachshund and possibly the one blue eye. She is quiet, loyal and not energetic as those breeds are described. She sheds profusely and that is Dal and Shepherd! Sure doesn't look like the listed breeds:

I have to assume the test is correct but I LOVE THIS GIRL TO PIECES so it doesn't matter… just heading off any health issues which I feel good about now; overall healthy breeds in her DNA.



A letter from Willa, now Willow

I met the little kids in the family for a short time today. It was fun playing in the yard and I was very gentle not to pull the long leash for this little girl holding it. This is the family who the dog I will meet later lives with. She is a yellow lab my age and she will be fun to play with after I am more adjusted to my new home. I am now a family dog and I like it. I even let the little girl put this stuffed horse on my back for a walk. I was not bothered by that at all. My mom is so happy I think I saw a tear in her eye.

Love, Willow


My husband and I have had 2 great weeks with little William (now named Argo). He has been a bundle of puppy joy and we are happy to let you know that we would like to officially adopt him. Our current dog and him get along so great and it was only 2 days in that she started initiating play sessions with him. We have even noticed her trying to help him up and down the stairs since he has a bit of a difficult time with his back legs but that does not stop him from romping and playing like a puppy.

I took him to our vet and I found out that she believes that as he was going through his growing stage he was unable to fully stand up on his back legs which caused the hunched over looked. He also has, what she believed, to be pretty bad arthritis in his back knees. She told me that with lots of physical therapy and time he should be able to regain a lot of the muscle that was lost in his back legs and may even be able to fully stand up again. I have begun the physical therapy on his back legs and he already looks like he is able to move better.

We are happy to announce that we have switched from using Purina to using the Fromm and Orijen brands that Helen showed us when we picked him up. Argo's dandruff has pretty much gone away and he is slowly gaining the much needed weight.

Overall he has been a super good puppy and he and our current dog play constantly together and have even started to take naps next to each other.

Thank you very much for helping us find our new family member!

Chelsea Warner


Woody was adopted!

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