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Reach Out Rescue & Resources is a small group of rescuers with a large amount of passion for dogs and cats!!
Last Updated:
9/27/2024 1:17 PM

Animal Success Stories
We love getting updates from our adopters! This page is a collection of the photos and stories sent to us. As our website restricts us to only one photo and story for each dog, we have created a photo gallery here -

Happy Tails on Zenfolio 

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Zoey Dog

We hope this finds all of you well and happy. We are thinking of all of you particularly today as we celebrate not only a lovely Fourth of July weekend, but also our One Year Anniversary with Zoey in our family. We took the attached photo for you last night so you can see how she still loves her original (from Tom's house? of Joyce's? please remind us) comforter and her peaceful "presence" in our family room at the end of the day. (In the photo, you can see she is almost sound asleep.... :-)

After one year, she continues to "unfold" for us, revealing more of her wonderful personality, and we are all enjoying our shared routines. We get up in the morning, make a quick trip outside, then Zoey has her breakfast before joining me in the office. There, one at a time, I hide four small treats for her (she has to hunt for them folded up in her "snuggle towel"). Once Treat #4 has been found, she comes over for some petting and then just curls up nearby while I finish the morning's office work. Then we head for the door! With the nicer weather, we aim to make a two-mile walk in the neighborhood before lunch. We've just returned from that today and Zoey is dozing as you'll see in photo #2 with the red pillow in the back. It was taken a few weeks ago, but will give you a good idea and show how she scrunches her towels.

During the day she can be fine alone, reliably having the run of the house when necessary, but that is really rare. Usually at least one of us is here; Zoey can follow us around being good company with whatever we are doing, or sometimes she'd rather just doze, often scrunching up her towel or comforter to just her specifications -- also sometimes burrows under the comforter on the family room couch with just her nose sticking out. She enjoys riding and going on errands; we enjoy taking her with us if they are such that we do not ever have to leave her alone in the car. One fairly regular circuit is to drop off letters at the PO; to the local "Unleashed" store where she is greeted by name; to my Mom's house where she is known as "the vacuum cleaner" because Mother drops a lot of food (she is 104 years old) and Zoey loves hunting all over the floor for crumbs! As you know, she bring happiness wherever she goes, so it is a lot of fun to go with her.

Every late afternoon/evening, Zoey has dinner and a "date with Daddy" as she and Dave head off to walk on the woodland trails in the county park near our house. We have a fun little "welcome scene" when they get back: when Dave opens the car door, I call "Zo-eeeeee!" as she dashes for the front door. Great fun to see her bounding home, leash flying and tail wagging!

As we remember our drive to/from Martinsburg exactly one year ago today (on the 5th, so she would not have to begin life in her new home with the booming neighborhood fireworks), we keep all of you in our happy memories, thoughts, and prayers, with thanks again for rescuing Zoey until we could reach her, and for all you do to care for so many other animals in need.

Cheers / courage / blessings to all!

Marilyn and Dave Taylor


We just wanted to update you on what Zeva has been up to.......she has settled in her new home extremely well! We really love her and she seems very happy here. She LOVES to run and run in the yard, circling the house many times. We have found that she LOVES water as well......laying in the pond out front. :) She also enjoys going to doggy daycare at least once a week to play with her friends. My daughter was just here with her doggy and they got along very much so that Zeva really got depressed for a day after they left but she bounced back. She loves to ride in the car and is just the sweetest natured dog!! She sleeps with us and we are so happy she is here!! Thanks for everything...we just wanted you to know that everything is going so well. We'll keep you updated and send more photos. Attached is Zeva on her sofa! Hope you are well, Sincerely, Bob and Raeann Meier p.s. She is enrolled in training which begins next Sunday...the instructor met her and thinks she is a terrific pup.


Hello! We just wanted to give you another update on our Zeva!! She is doing incredibly well! She is so sweet and we just love her so much. She just had her first Christmas with us and she is truly a part of our family. She received many toys and treats from Santa and just seemed like she really enjoyed being a part of it all. We are currently babysitting our daughter's little dog and they have become the best of friends. They love playing together and get along very well. She completed beginner and intermediate dog training at PETCO and did very well. She loves running on our property and the invisible fence allows her a lot of freedom. Last week she even went to the "doggie wash" and had a spa day! We cannot tell you how fortunate we are to have her. She has the most loving personality I have ever seen...thank-you for bringing her into our lives, she makes every day fun and happy. Oh! and she also LOVES the snow!

We hope you are well and we will keep you updated on Zeva's future adventures....

Very Sincerely, Bob and Raeann


I have attached two shots of Zoe, one solo and the other with her new doggy-daddy, Fire Chief Clack, Baltimore, MD. Zoe is doing great! Healthy and Happy as ever :) I hope you enjoy the pictures! We truly love this little girl So happy you brought her in our lives!


Abby is the perfect dog for me, what a great job reach out rescue did matching a dog for me. Thank you to ROR for doing such a great job. We just went for her post adoption vet visit and she is in perfect health, and the staff absolutely adored her Abby is a loving girl and has been doing wonderfully. We go for a 40 minute run in the AM and she just loves it. Last weekend, we took her on a boating adventure and she loved swimming, but loved tanning a bit more. Thanks again!!!!


Zena has found her forever family, just in time for the Holidays!

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